
A Valuable Online Resource for Catechumenal Ministry

Providing subscription-based tools to make the catechumenate more responsive to personal sharing and conversion and to help adults explore dimensions of their faith


These resources can be used flexibly by Directors of Faith Formation and RCIA Directors to:

  • Provide a conversational format for participants
  • Facilitate sharing and exploration
  • Emphasize individual personal growth in discipleship
  • Provide catechumenal material in an easy-to-adapt way


Online subscription features:

  • Video introductions for each module
  • PDF documents for each session
  • Periodic webinars for participants


PATHWAYS IN FAITH provides 12 modules with a total of 38 sessions. Each session consists of:

  • Introduction
  • Presentation of a theme
  • Questions for discussion and sharing
  • Time for participants to raise questions
  • "Catholic factoid" for practical information
  • Prayer
  • Time for announcements and hospitality

Webinar Series

The Catechumenate:

What is it and how can it be shaped to accomplish its goal of forming disciples, facilitating sharing, and furthering conversion?

Session 1

The RCIA: Rites and Processes - An Overview

Session 2

The RCIA: Rites and Processes - Liturgy and Life

Session 3

Finding the Potential of the RCIA: Becoming an Inviting Church

Session 4

Resources for Implementing the RCIA Pathways in Faith